ETL is the process of combining, cleaning, and organizing data from different sources into a single consistent format for storage, data analytics, and machine learning. This project will require you use the Pandas library to extract data from a CSV, clean and normalize the data, and write it to a SQL database. You will then be required to draw some type of analysis from the data. After reading through the instructions, begin coding out the solution described

This is a Python project requiring the core library, a SQL database, and SQLAlchemy. You are tasked with creating a progress tracker for some topic of your choice. Any tracked project will need to be stored in permanent memory using either SQLite or a MySQL database. You will also need to create a system that only shows the users data based on their login information. After reading through the instructions, begin coding out the solution described

This is a Python project requiring only the core libraries and methods packaged with the standard Python distribution. You will be creating a console based Employee Management System that users will be able to update, read, and search as a database of employee information. After reading through the instructions, begin coding out the solution described

In this project, you'll be building a Full Stack Application with an idea of your choice! Follow the instructions laid out in the linked write up and begin brainstorming what you want to develop! Feel free to share your final product on your personal profile on Github.

In this project, you'll be building a Progress Tracker using your knowledge of Java Development thus far. You'll design a database for your tracker and connect it to a Java application. Follow the instructions laid out in the linked write up and you should have a functional and well-designed application! Feel free to share your final product on your personal profile on Github.